11 students and 3 teachers came to visit our school from Jan 15 to 19.
1日目、郡山市役所での歓迎レセプションが開催されました。品川市長から、歓迎の言葉と友好の証として記念品が贈呈されました。 On the first day, the welcome ceremony was held at the Koriyama city hall. The mayor Shinagawa gave them a welcome speech and some gifts as the token of friendship between the city of Essen and Koriyama.
その後、両校生はグループに分かれて、本校生が準備したリレーゲームやクイズを行い、お互いの距離を縮めました。 In the evening, the students from both schools split into groups and played relay games and quizzes prepared by the students from our school.
2日目、本校生のガイドのもと、双葉町の「東日本大震災伝承館」「震災遺構:請戸小学校」「東京電力廃炉資料館」を見学しました。実際に復興に向けての取り組みや現地の現状を見てもらうことで、震災について理解を深めてもらえたと思います。 On the day 2, guided by our students, they visited the "Great East Japan Earthquake Memorial Museum," "Disaster Relics: Ukedo Elementary School," and "TEPCO Memorial Museum" in Futaba Town. They were able to deepen their understanding of the earthquake by actually seeing the efforts being made to restore the area and the current situation.
その後、ホテルで夕食をとり、本校生の学校紹介や日本文化紹介のプレゼンテーションを行いました。ドイツの生徒たちも熱心に聞き入っていました。 In the evening, we had dinner at the hotel and Asaka students gave a presentation introducing our school and Japanese culture. German students listened intently to our presentations.
3日目、安積高校に戻り、ドイツの生徒たちの学校紹介発表を聞きました。ウルフスクーレ高には、生徒主体で運営管理している「グリーンクラブ」という組織があります。実際に商品開発を行い、購買部で販売しているそうです。 On the day 3, we returned to Asaka High School and listened to a presentation by German students introducing their school. Wolfschule High School has an organization called the "Green Club" that is run and managed by students. They actually develop products and sell them in the school store.
午後からは、郡山市役所の協力のもと、開成山公園で「ロゲイニング」を行いました。グループに分かれ、決められたポイントを巡り写真を撮って点数化し、優勝チームには郡山名物「クリームボックス」が贈られました。また、「がんばっぺチャリンコ」様による郡山の歴史学習も行われました。大変寒い日でしたが、両校生が協力し交流を深めることができました。 In the afternoon, with the cooperation of Koriyama City Hall, the students participated in a "Rogaining" event at Kaiseiyama Park. They split into groups, went around designated points, took photos, and were scored, and the winning team was awarded a "cream box," a Koriyama specialty. They also learned about the history of Koriyama through the volunteer group "Ganbappe Charinko." Although it was a very very cold day, the students were able to cooperate and deepen their exchanges.
4日目はそれぞれのホームステー先で1日過ごしました。会津鶴ヶ城見学、三春張り子体験、薄皮饅頭作り体験、着物着付け体験、カラオケ、そば打ち、などなど、1日ではとても足りないくらい!ホストファミリーを引き受けてくださった生徒・保護者の皆さま、ありがとうございました。 On the day 4, German students spent the whole day with their hostfamilies. Some of them visited Aizu Tsuruga Castle, experienced Miharu paper craft, made Manju, tried on Kimonos, Karaoke, made Soba noodles, and so more. One day just wasn't enough! Thank you to all the students and parents who accepted German students as a part of your family!
あっという間に最終日。お別れのセレモニーでは、この研修を振り返るショートムービーの上映、記念品贈呈、記念撮影が行われました。サプライズで品川市長が来校してくださりました。ありがとうございました。 At the farewell ceremony, we enjoyed watching a short movie looking back on our program. As a surprise, the mayor of Shinagawa visited our school to say good bye to German students and teachers.
別れはいつでもさみしいですが、また会える日を楽しみに、これからもずっと交流を続けていきましょう! We look forward to the day we can see each other again. Let's keep in touch! See you again soon!!