From January 7th to 11th , 12 students visited Wolfskuhle high school in Essen, Germany.

8日(月) Jan 8th Mon
Wolfskuhle高校にてホームステイ先のパートナーたちと対面。すぐに意気投合。その後、エッセン市庁舎を訪問。副市長、在デュッセルドルフ日本国総領事河原様と対面し、歓迎のお言葉をいただきました。午後からは、Junior Universityの先生によるワークショップ。ドイツ生まれの星形プログラミング教育コンピュータCalliope(カリオペ)を使用した授業でした。このプログラミングを活用し、それぞれの学校や街でSDGsな生活を送るための方策について話し合いました。
Students met their German host partners and became friends with each other quickly. We visited the city hall and greeted the Consul General Setsuko Kawahara and the deputy mayor. In the afternoon, we joined the workshop by the professor at Junior University. We worked on the programming lesson with Calliope, which was invented for German education. 

9日(火)Jan 9th Tue
午前中は、Wolfskuhle高校の授業に参加したり、日本語によるスクールツアーを受けたり、Green Club(SDGsの目標に沿った探究活動)の発表を聞いてディスカッションを行ったりしました。その後、バスと電車で市街地に移動し、昼食にCurrywurst(エッセン市のあるルール地方の伝統料理のひとつ)を食べました。午後は、Zeche Zollverein(ツォルフェアアイン炭鉱業遺産群)を見学しました。
In the morning, we joined their classes and the school tour, then German students gave their presentation about SDGs projects. For lunch, we ate Currywurst in the city, which is one of the traditional German dishes. In the afternoon, we visited Zeche Zollverein, which is designated a World Heritage Site.

10日(水)Jan 10th Wed
In the early morning, we hold an online meeting with students in Japan. We enjoyed German breakfast, then finally presented our study in Japan and some aspects of Japanese culture with some authentic materials. For the farewell ceremony, the orchestra played us, and some Japanese students joined them, too. Thank you for your hospitality. We learned more than we expected from you and your country.